11 October - Back to Broke Weekend

11 October - Back to Broke Weekend Main Image

11 October 2024


11/12/13 October


10:00am to 5:00pm




Broke Residents Community Association


Three days of celebration.


Friday October 11 - Spirit of the Vine Dinner at Margans, and the first lighting of Broke’s iconic Yellow Rock


Saturday October 12 - will be Back to Broke Day at Broke Recreation Ground with something for everyone.

Food stalls, coffee carts, Bicentennial souvenirs, and of course the music of Jude and Dudes. Call out to your extended family, bring your own marquee, hold a traditional family picnic and enjoy the fun.


A Welcome to Country, an official opening then the cricket match, recreating Broke v Bulga 1874, a deep rivalry. Broke School to be part of the fun with traditional games, people in historic costumes, picnics, a giant birthday cake! Time to catch up, to remember and reminisce.


And all day, the two churches will have exhibitions, and the Story of Broke exhibition will be on in the Broke Hall and a free carriage ride will take visitors around the village to see the historic buildings.


On Sunday,13 October, come to the Story of Broke and learn about the past

- the families that made Broke,

- be part of updating the time capsule for another 200 years,

- sign the Broke Banner if you haven’t already done so.


And then at 11.30 take part in the McNamara Mile, walk from the Bridge to Blaxland Street, say hi, share stories, on the walk or at the Hall.


Add the dates to your calendar and keep an eye out for future posts including FAQs which will give updates to help your planning, tell your friends.