Private Members' Business - Olympic Games Infrastructure

Private Members' Business - Olympic Games Infrastructure Main Image

07 August 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (12:22):

I want to begin today by reminding the House that there are two parties in this place voting no to building more housing in Australia: the coalition, which is expected, and the petty, whingeing Greens. This is nothing more than a political stunt. They say we need to pick between housing and the Olympics. I have news for them: we are committed to both. If they really care about housing, why are they blocking the bill that would see more houses being built? Wouldn't building new houses right now be better than none at all? They are the definition of letting the perfect get in the way of the possible. If they were stuck in the cold, they would say no to the offer of a jumper because they wanted a heater.


I will show some sympathy to those representing the Greens. I'm not shocked that they are so out of touch with everyday Australians. They've probably never played sport before in their lives. No wonder they can't see why the Olympics are important and why it's necessary to make sure that the games are of the highest standard possible. They just don't get it—and they are walking out of the chamber, once again. But, for me, it is the arrogance, over the lot, that is the frustrating part.


Housing, education and health are all important, and they are also some of the top priorities. But they are not the only things deserving of funding. Just because the member for Griffith has never watched sport in his life, it doesn't mean it's not important to other people. Your own interests don't define what is and isn't important and what does and does not deserve to be funded.


Sport unites our country. It is a fundamental part of our national identity. Our country has never been more united than when Sydney hosted the 2000 Olympics. People still talk about it to this day. This is an opportunity for us to feel that sense of national pride and collective excitement again.


The Greens say that they speak for lots of different groups in society, but one group they seem to have forgotten are our athletes. Athletes dedicate their lives to sport. They sacrifice so much, including time with their family and friends. An elite athlete does this for moments like a home Olympics. Olympics are the peak for athletes, and it is rare that they get to share the peak of their careers with all that they love. An Olympics at home makes this more possible.


I've been lucky enough to go to five Olympics. I know what it means to be an athlete. I know what it means to the cities that host them, and I see the benefits to all those in our country who unite and cheer on our athletes and give them the recognition and glory that they deserve. But the Greens want to take this away. They want to burn lifelong dreams and destroy opportunities to inspire our young people.


The Olympics can light a flame in the young people of Australia and inspire them to work hard on their dreams. A home Olympics will be the breeding ground for our next generation of sporting superstars, and it gives current young athletes something to work towards. Athletes in this country deserve world-class facilities, and Olympics provide the perfect opportunity for them to be given these facilities by upgrades to stadiums like the Gabba. The new and upgraded facilities in Queensland will be used long after the Olympics are over. Just look at Stadium Australia in Sydney. I think we have made more than our money's worth out of that. It's now hosting one of the biggest women's sporting events in the world, 23 years after it hosted the Olympic Games.


The Greens make out that hosting the Olympics is all doom and gloom. There seem to think that there is no upside to it at all. They ignore the benefits, such as increased tourism and the boost to our local businesses and the economy as a whole. The Greens forget to mention the jobs that will be created by all the funding which goes towards the infrastructure. It's also an opportunity to showcase to the world the best of what our country do. The Olympics bring opportunities for a better future for our younger generations, because the world will take notice of Australia.


I think this is a very worthy investment. I support hospitals and schools, but, unlike the Greens, I can truthfully say that I support providing more homes and also the Olympics. May I just say it's also very disappointing to see the member for Brisbane and the member for Griffith not being here to finish this debate.