Private Members' Business - Foreign Interference

Private Members' Business - Foreign Interference Main Image

31 July 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (12:47):

I rise to speak on a matter of upmost importance that threatens the very core of our democracy and the safety of our citizens. We must recognise the insidious nature of foreign interference and acknowledge the severe threat it poses to our democracy. As a nation Australia has always been a defender of freedom, diversity and democratic values. Our commitment to these principles has made us a target for those who seek to undermine our sovereignty and manipulate our way of life. It is critical that we remain vigilant and united against any attempts to infiltrate or disrupt our democratic process.


Recent reports have shed light on the disturbing activities of Cambodia's Hun Sen regime attempting to infiltrate and monitor the activities within our Australian community. They have particularly targeted diaspora communities. This sinister interference must not be taken lightly. Our diaspora communities are a central part of the nation's fabric, contributing to our society's enrichment and prosperity. They should feel safe and secure, free from fear of surveillance or coercion from foreign entities.


Furthermore, we cannot ignore the alarming reports of potential money laundering in Australia by key figures of the Hun Sen regime. Money laundering poses significant risks to our financial systems, integrity and national security. It is our responsibility to ensure that our financial institutions are not unwittingly used as tools for illicit activities that may fund corrupt regimes overseas. We are rightly concerned about foreign principals who are threatening our democratic institutions that form the foundations of our free and open democracy. They are threatening or coercing members of the community, friends and neighbours in our community and are sowing divisions into our community through disinformation and manipulation of our media. There are concerns about the stealing of research, improperly influencing teaching and debate in our world-leading universities and research organisations, undermining the operations of Australian businesses and improperly using investment in Australia to undermine our sovereignty and prosperity.


Foreign principals continue to try to compromise the critical infrastructure that underpins our way of life and our economy. These concerning reports call for immediate action and thorough investigations. It is unacceptable for any foreign government to target members of our community in a way that prevents individuals exercising their fundamental rights and freedoms in Australia. Our government is taking the lead in addressing these issues head on. Australia's law enforcement and intelligence agencies work diligently to uncover the truth, identify any wrongdoings and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce, which includes the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the AFP, is a task force dedicated specifically to discovering, disrupting and investigating foreign interference activities.


We should never compromise the integrity of our democracy and the safety of our citizens. To preserve the values that define us as a nation we must remain steadfast in safeguarding against foreign interference. This includes bolstering our security measures, fostering a culture of awareness among our communities and engaging in robust diplomatic discussions to address these matters with foreign governments. The Albanese Labor government has put in place a number of policies and programs to strengthen Australia's social fabric and build community resilience, including from foreign interference. The government and intelligence agencies, along with law enforcement, work closely together to engage with and support communities concerned or affected by foreign interference. The Department of Home Affairs regularly engages with our culturally and linguistically diverse communities—as do territory governments, police and national security agencies—to build community awareness of and resilience to the threat of foreign interference. In February the AFP launched new resources to help counter interference with culturally and linguistically diverse communities. As part of these resources a public fact sheet was published and translated into more than 30 languages.