Private Members' Business - First Responders

Private Members' Business - First Responders  Main Image

27 November 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (11:23):

There are some people in our community who really go above and beyond. They stand up and are there to help when an individual or when the whole community needs them most. These people are our first responders. They are there responding to floods and fire, and they are there when there's an accident on our roads or when somebody is having a medical emergency. They are always there when someone is having one of the worst days of their life. Some do it for a living and some do it as a volunteer, but there is one thing that applies to all of them. It is that all of our first responders are heroes and we owe them so much.


In my electorate we've had our fair share of challenges lately. We've had floods, which wiped out towns, out-of-control fires, which have forced people to flee from their homes—and who could ever forget the horrible Greta bus crash, which shook all of us in the Hunter and in Australia. These events all meant that everyone in the Hunter had to come together and support each other. While these are all such different kinds of disasters, one thing that all of them have in common is the first responders, the people who are the first on the scene, providing the help and the care that people need, protecting people, protecting property and protecting lives.


Australia is a lucky country in so many ways, but one of the things that makes us so lucky is the fact that we have over 370,000 selfless individuals who put their lives on the line day in, day out in order to help their community as first responders. I know that the Hunter has had to deal with disasters over the past few years, but this just means that we have as good a reason as any other part of Australia to give thanks to and feel gratitude for our first responders. We have all seen them in action and we all owe them so much. That is why I have been proud to be able to see our community lift our first responders up every single time we have been faced with one of these disasters. Our community rallies are one. They give our first responders the recognition that they all deserve as the heroes that they are.


Something we don't always think about—but something that we can't forget—is the toll that can come with being a first responder, because behind those brave faces are everyday people doing extraordinary things to help others. These brave people in our communities see things that most of us will never have to see, and they put themselves in dangerous situations that most of us are lucky to never have to experience. I have no doubt that this can take a toll on anyone's mental health. While we're always grateful for those who are there to help us, we should always be mindful that sometimes those same people need help themselves.


To the first responders, I say thank you so much. Thank you for being the people we turn to when we are at the moment of our greatest need. We owe you so much. But I also want to remind you that as a community and as a government, we are here for you. If you need help or support, there are places to go. There is Lifeline, who provides national counselling services, which are available 24 hours a day, seven days week. There is Beyond Blue, who provides national mental health and wellbeing support services, which are also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are many more, such as EAP. Our first responders deserve so much, but they certainly do not deserve to be living with trauma or mental health challenges that could come as a consequence of their actions in risking their lives to help others. If you are a first responder and need help or support, do not hesitate to go out and get it. You have done so much to help others, and there is absolutely no harm or shame in seeking help yourself.


On behalf of the Hunter, I would say to all our first responders: thank you. While we are lucky and grateful to have you there to look after us, you have to remember to look after yourself. Keep up the fantastic work. You all do a fantastic job. I'm looking forward to continuing to work with you over many more years with what you do, which is selfless work for our community. Thank you so much to all of you.