Private Members' Business - Artificial Intelligence

Private Members' Business - Artificial Intelligence  Main Image

19 June 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (17:32):

I rise before the House to support the motion put forward by my colleague the member for Bruce and to speak on a matter that promises to redefine our future, artificial intelligence. AI, as we call it, is a force of change. It's a technology that is sweeping across the globe, and Australia is not isolated from this. In the face of AI, there is of course some uncertainty. AI includes a range of technologies and applications, each with their own possibilities and challenges. But one thing is crystal clear: AI is transforming our society, our experience of life and how we perceive reality. I also know that there's a bit of apprehension out there about what it could mean for jobs, our society and our way of life. But let me tell you: just as we've embraced the wealth of our land through mining, it's time for us to embrace the wealth of our minds through AI.


Harnessing the benefits of AI could unlock huge potential for our nation. Imagine a productivity surge across industries and a transformation of our economy with new job opportunities created through AI, and picture enhanced health, wealth and equality outcomes for all Australians through improved government services delivery. Think about the possibilities of better environmental sustainability decisions driven by AI and the acceleration of scientific discoveries. Australia is not just a country rich in minerals; we're also a country rich in technical talent, innovation and technological capabilities. We're the country that invented wi-fi. I want to see us enhance our technology potential in much the same way that we've harnessed the power of our resources sector.


Let's be clear: AI doesn't have to be about replacing jobs. It could be about enhancing them. It could be about freeing up our dedicated Australian workers so that they can focus on what really matters to them. It's about equipping our workforce with the tools they need to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently. It's about creating new opportunities, new industries and new jobs that we can't even imagine just yet. That's why we as a government need to step up. We need to invest in our people, invest in our businesses—invest in our future. We need to ensure our education system is equipping our young people with the skills they need to thrive in this new area. We need to support our businesses, large and small, in adopting and integrating AI technologies.


Yes, with every revolution comes a set of risks. We must acknowledge and mitigate these as we embrace the AI wave. From job security risks to risks of amplified biases and discrimination, from disinformation and misinformation threats and potential social and democratic harm to the threat of social disruption and risks to national security, we have our work cut out for us. As the motion says, the transformational power of AI is on par with the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. To manage the potential risks, urgent policy development and a steadfast regulatory approach are called for. The responsibility of AI governance and regulation cannot be left to industry or technical experts alone. We, as members of this parliament, bear the responsibility to act thoughtfully and swiftly in response to these changes.


Governments around the world are taking diverse approaches to AI regulation. The European Union, the United States, China and the United Kingdom are all stepping up to the challenge, and we must do the same. We must foster a national debate about AI, seize the colossal opportunities that it will continue to generate, and mitigate the risks posed by unchecked AI. We must carve out an Australian approach to AI governance and regulation—an approach that champions democratic participation, nation-building, social justice, equality, consumer protection and international cooperation. Let's lead Australia into this brave new world with foresight, responsibility and coverage.


Remember, we're a country of innovators and builders. We have always been at the forefront of change. There's no reason for us to stop now. So let's embrace AI, let's harness its potential and let's make sure Australia continues to lead. AI isn't some distant, abstract concept. It's here and it's now. It's helping doctors diagnose faster and more accurately, it's assisting farmers to manage their crops more efficiently, and, Madam Deputy Speaker, it's even helping to write speeches for parliamentarians.