90 Second Statement - Workplace Relations

90 Second Statement - Workplace Relations Main Image

13 February 2024

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (13:37) 

Because of this government, workers are benefiting from better pay, improved job security and stronger workplace rights. We have closed the loopholes. We are a party of the workers. We are getting wages moving, and we have had two straight quarters of real wages growth at four per cent, the highest growth in 15 years. Miners working for labour hire companies in the Hunter have been ripped off and paid less for years. Last year we fixed that and put an end to the labour hire rort. The second part of the closing the loopholes legislation will provide casuals with a proper pathway to convert to more secure, permanent work. It will also introduce world-leading minimum standards for gig economy workers. This bill also ensures a safe, sustainable and viable trucking industry. It will put a stop to unpaid overtime for workers through a right to disconnect from unreasonable contact.


I know those opposite don't support any of this. They voted against it, just like they voted against the miners in my electorate for the first part of this legislation. Peter Dutton wants Australians to work longer and get paid less. I remember when we were talking about this and going through this whole legislation in this House. Not once did someone on the opposition side talk about a worker's rights. All they did was talk about bosses and everyone else. Not once did they talk about a worker. That's why we're here—to make sure workers get what they need and what they deserve.