90 Second Statement - International Wine Day

90 Second Statement - International Wine Day Main Image

25 May 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (13:50): 

Speaker, I rise today to celebrate a beverage that transcends borders, cultures, and time itself, wine!!


Today is International Wine Day, so lets raise our glasses to honour the exquisite craftsmanship, the rich heritage, and the undeniable allure of this ancient elixir.  Wine has long been more than just a drink.  It is a symbol of celebration, friendship, and the simple pleasures of life.  It is a testament to the patience of workers, who meticulously tend to vineyards, nurturing each grape with care and devotion.


The Hunter Valley boasts a proud tradition of winemaking that dates back almost two centuries.  We are blessed with fertile soils, temperate climate, and a passion for producing the worlds best wines.  Today, we pay homage to the countless winemakers, viticulturists, and sommeliers who have dedicated their lives to perfecting this art form.  They have turned humble clusters of grapes into liquid poetry, awakening our senses and igniting our passions.  They have transformed a simple fruit into a catalyst for conversation, culture, and creativity.


But Speaker, let us not forget the immense impact of the wine industry on the Hunter economy. From the vineyard workers to the hospitality professionals.  Speaker, on this International Wine Day, I invite everyone to savour the exquisite flavours and bask in the beauty of this remarkable beverage.  Cheers to International Wine Day and cheers to the Hunter Valley, a true paradise for wine lovers!