90 Second Statement - Hunter SES

90 Second Statement - Hunter SES Main Image

07 November 2022

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (16:20):  There is no doubt the NSW SES do amazing work in our community, and this was especially evident this year.


On behalf of everyone in the Hunter, thank you for your service, your tireless, countless hours of volunteering do not go unrecognised, and we are extremely lucky to have such incredible volunteers in our local communities.


The NSW SES recently came together to celebrate the dedicated service of 22 members from the Hunter Valley, who between them have some 360 plus years of volunteer service to the community.


Thank you to Dr Bob Drewer for 50 Years of Service, Graeme Silver for 40 years of Service, Robyn Barco who received the Commissioner’s Certificate of Appreciation.


Greg Gunter, Peter Sherwen, Simone Burrows and Shaun Farmer who received the National Emergency Medals for deploying to help in Cyclone Debbie


Richard Fellows and Andrew Pain who received the National Medal for 30 Years of Service, Ben Maxwell, Judith Felton, Debra Healy and Michael Pitkin for 15 Years of Service, Tim Miller who received the SES Long Service Medal for 35 Years’ Service, Terry Purser, Greg Gunter, Noel Dipple and Simon Merrick for - 20 Years’ Service, Michael Mifsud, Pamela Sharp, Peter Sherwen and Tracey Martin for - 10 Years’ Service.


Congratulation to you all.  We in the Hunter appreciate everything you do and thank you very much.