90 Second Statement - Hunter Rivers Times

90 Second Statement - Hunter Rivers Times Main Image

19 October 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (13:41) 

The New South Wales Country Press Australia awards were held in Sydney on Friday night, and our cherished newspaper, the Hunter River Times, was honoured with two awards, a highly commented award for the best news reporting and the prestigious title of best free newspaper. These achievements are a testament to the tireless efforts and unrelenting passion that the team puts into each and every edition of the Hunter River Times. Your commitment and dedication shine through the quality of the newspaper you produce. It's true that a newspaper is a reflection of the people it represents, and it's clear that the Hunter River Times serves as a mirror for the heart and soul of our Hunter region. Your stories, the issues you address and the services you provide to the community truly are the heartbeat of your newspaper. You play a vital role in capturing and sharing the unique stories, events and lives that make our region extraordinary.


Today I would like to extend my congratulations on these awards to the publisher, Shane Davey; editor, Di Sneddon; journalist, Jem Anshaw; cadet, Meredith Blair; sales consultants, Melissa Ernst and Rebecca Rockley; distribution, Jason Bates and his team of wonderful distributors; designer, Mel Caroll; and administration support, Rebecca Connoly. Keep up the excellent work and may your newspaper continue to be a valuable source of inspiration for all in the community.