90 Second Statement - Georgia Rose Bailey

90 Second Statement - Georgia Rose Bailey Main Image

04 September 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (13:47): 

I rise to congratulate an incredible young woman in my electorate: Georgia Rose Bailey. Georgia was recently named the 2023 Lions Australia Leo of the Year. Georgia reminded Lions of the value of Leos, particularly when it comes to technology and social media use. She said in her first speech, 'Leos understand all of this; make use of us.'


In a world that often presents challenges and obstacles, we are fortunate to have among us individuals who refuse to succumb to adversity. The Lions Leo of the Year awards celebrate more than just an individual; they symbolise the embodiment of the Lions characteristics: resilience, leadership and commitment to service.


Over the next 12 months, Georgia will visit Lions clubs across the country with hopes of opening more Leo clubs. I offer heartfelt congratulations to an individual who exemplifies strength, courage and the unwavering spirit of our community and who is our very own Lions Leo of the Year. In a world that sometimes feels divided, Georgia reminds us that unity and compassion can bridge gaps and create a brighter future for all. Her achievements serve as a beacon of hope, encouraging us to strive for excellence in our own endeavours.


Congratulations on your award, Georgia. May your legacy continue to inspire generations to come.