90 Second Statement - A Day For Wendy

90 Second Statement - A Day For Wendy Main Image

20 March 2023

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (13:40): 

Cancer is something that has affected every one of us in this building and nearly every one of us in Australia. I had the incredible honour of being an MC for A Day for Wendy. Wendy is a friend of our family, and we are good family friends with part of her family. So I MC'd a charity golf day for the Mark Hughes Foundation for Wendy. I'd like to thank the sponsors that were involved on that day. Without the help from all you guys, we could not have done what we did on that day. It was an amazing day at The Vintage golf course.


I'd like to thank Dr Craig Gedye for all the hard work he does with brain cancer. He's an incredible man, and he's incredible at what he does. I'd like to thank Jono Wilson for running the auction. The auction alone raised $35,000. I would also like to thank Jen and Ryan Bosden, who organised the day, together with Jess, Scott and Sophie Ingram. Those five worked extremely hard to make this day come together, and I can tell you that it was an honour for me to MC the day. At the end of the day we raised a whopping total of $65,533.61 for the Mark Hughes Foundation. That is a record for the Mark Hughes Foundation, and I take my hat off to anyone out there who is suffering with cancer now or is a cancer survivor, and their families. Thank you for all that you do and thank you to everyone around this area.