3 Minute Constituency Statement - Cessnock Australia Day Awards

3 Minute Constituency Statement - Cessnock Australia Day Awards Main Image

26 February 2024

Mr REPACHOLI (Hunter) (10:33):

My electorate is lucky to be filled with amazing people. Recently Cessnock City Council recognised just a few of the people who make our community such an amazing place to live. On Australia Day, Cessnock citizens of the year were announced. I want to recognise these important members of our community and thank them for helping to make the Hunter the best place in Australia.


Paul Goldman was recently announced as Cessnock Citizen of the Year. Paul has been devoted to our community of Cessnock for almost six decades. There is a long list of organisations that have been lucky enough to have had his involvement. Paul was a foundation member of the Cessnock mental health group and is a life committee member of St Patrick's Primary School. He has always sponsored local sporting groups and schools and supported charities, including Aspect Hunter School for Autism and HeartKids. Paul also started the well-known local business Goldman's Farm Pet Produce. Good on you, Paul. This award is well deserved.


Mark Bercini received the sports award. Mark is a real athlete and a proper community man. You can't talk about sport in the Greta-Branxton area without mentioning Mark. He has been involved with and played for Greta Branxton Colts Rugby League Club, Greta Branxton United Cricket Club, Greta Branxton Touch Football Association and the Branxton Golf Club. Congratulations, Mark.


The title of community event of the year went to Bellbird Mine Disaster centenary, which I was lucky enough to attend. It really was an amazing event and it served as a reminder of just how important mining is to our region. The day was well-organised and was the perfect way to pay our respects and remembrance to those impacted by this tragedy. Congratulations to all involved including Shane Thompson and Robin Williams from the mining and energy union; Lyn Hamer and Kim Weller from Coalfields Local History Association; and Lucy Flemming, Belinda Ward and Alexandria Carruthers from Coal Services.


The Richmond Vale Rail Trail supporters group took home the environment award. Well done to Terry Lewin, Sam Reich and Leigh Gibbens. There were also four community awards. Matilda Gibson and her sister Bronte Gibson were recognised for their hard work and fundraising for multiple charities including Ronald McDonald, Dance for Sick Kids and Swim for Sick Kids. Another recipient of the award was Nicky Ainley, who organised a community vigil in response to the tragic Greta bus crash, leading the coordination of community gatherings with support services available on site. Camilla Dorsch was involved in multiple community groups around the Wollombi area. Once again, congratulations to all the award winners and keep up the great work.