23 November 2022

Hon Kristy McBain MP

Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories


Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter






Motorists who travel on some of Australia’s oldest and narrowest bridges will benefit from new Australian Government-funded upgrade and replacement projects.


The Australian Government in investing over $39 million towards 18 projects under of the Bridges Renewal Program.  This funding is part of the Government’s ongoing commitment of $85 million per year to the program.


In the Hunter electorate, the Owens Road Bridge at Martinsville, will have the one-lane timber bridge replaced with a two-lane concrete culvert system to it to make it safer for all road users.  This project is co-funded with the Lake Macquarie City Council, totalling $2,036,798.


This program provides funding to fix issues with bridges no longer fit for purpose, often involving the replacement of historic single-lane timber bridges with double-lane, modern concrete structures.


State, territory and local governments are encouraged to apply for funding from the program with applications accepted year-round.


For more information on the program, visit https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/about/local-initiatives/bridges-renewal-program.aspx


Quotes attributable to Regional Development, Local Government and Territories Minister, the Hon Kristy McBain MP:


“The Bridges Renewal Program funds the upgrade and replacement of bridges across Australia, to enhance access and improve freight through local communities.


“These projects will support local communities and holiday makers to travel in greater safety and assist businesses to deliver and receive their products and services more efficiently.”


Quotes attributable to Dan Repacholi MP, Federal Member for Hunter:

“This is great news for the Hunter electorate and show that this Government is getting on with the job by delivering the infrastructure needed to improve regional roads that have been neglected and left to deteriorate under the former Government.


“I know this upgrade will be welcomed by the many locals who depend upon this bridge for the daily commute to work, or to move freight or stock for their business.”