13 October 2022

The Hon Michelle Rowland MP

Minister for Communications

Member for Greenway


Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter




Local residents and sporting clubs in the Hunter electorate encouraged to have their say on free-to-air coverage


Local residents and sporting clubs in the Hunter electorate are encouraged to have their say as part of a public consultation into the future of Australia’s anti-siphoning scheme that ensures free coverage of events of national significance.


The anti-siphoning scheme aims to give free-to-air broadcasters an initial opportunity to buy the television rights to major events included on the anti-siphoning list.


The scheme prevents subscription television broadcasters from acquiring the right to televise an event on the anti-siphoning list unless a free-to-air television broadcaster has a right.


The list includes key sporting events across the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, AFL, rugby league, rugby union, soccer, tennis, netball, motorsports, horse racing and cricket.


Since the scheme commenced in 1994, technology and the viewing habits of Australians have evolved and newer technologies, including streaming services, are not subject to the scheme.


The public consultation is part of the Albanese Government’s commitment to media reform and will inform the development of a new anti-siphoning list. The current list will expire in April 2023.


The review will be informed by the contributions of local residents, community groups and sporting clubs from around the country to determine whether the scheme remains fit-for-purpose and continues to support access to iconic events free of charge.


Consultation closes on Tuesday, 6 December 2022.


To make a submission visit https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/have-your-say/anti-siphoning-scheme-review


For more information on the anti-siphoning scheme visit https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/department/media/publications/anti-siphoning


Quotes attributable to the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP:


“The Albanese Government remains committed to maintaining free access to iconic events for all Australians, including sporting events.


“The broadcasting of key sports competitions helps to create shared experiences, foster a collective Australian identity, and contributes to grassroots community-based sports participation.


“Subscription-based services make a valuable contribution to Australia’s media market, but not everyone can afford to pay for sport.


This consultation is an opportunity for local residents, community groups and sporting clubs in the Hunter electorate to have their say to ensure we strike the right balance with the scheme and ensure that no one gets left behind.”


Quotes attributable to Dan Repacholi MP:


“I encourage locals in the Hunter electorate to submit their views on the free-to-air coverage of important sporting and cultural events as part of this consultation process launched by the Albanese Government.


“I know how important access to free coverage of significant events is for our community. All Australians should be able to see these broadcasts, not just those who can afford them.


“I am proud to support this process that ensures the views of grassroots sporting clubs and community groups in the Hunter electorate are represented in government decision-making. Please contact my office for assistance with making a submission.”