17 November 2022

Hon Catherine King MP

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government

Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter






The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King, has visited the Hunter today to highlight significant infrastructure projects commited to in the October Budget.


The Minister toured a number of project sites with the member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi.


The Albanese Government has delivered on its election commitments, funding projects that will build a better future for the Hunter, including:

- $269 million for the Muswellbrook Bypass.
- $38.6 million for the Coulsons Creek Road upgrade
- $10.5 million to complete the Muswellbrook Town Centre plan.
- $1 million for the Cessnock Skate Park

This significant investment in the Hunter will support local jobs, increase connectivity and help grow the region.


Our $269 million commitment to the Muswellbrook bypass will improve safety, reduce congestion and support around 1,800 direct and indirect jobs.


The Albanese Government October Budget also included a significant investment to repair Coulsons Creek Road. This will help restore a vital community connection that has been significantly damaged by heavy rainfall and subsequent land slips.


The much needed repair was left unfunded by the previous Government.


The Muswellbrook Town Centre plan will help better link the town’s historic buildings, and provide open spaces to host community and cultural events. It also includes a playground, pavilion structure, alfresco dining spaces and roads and car parks.


We have also delivered $1 million for a state-of-the-art regional skate park, encouraging skateboarding and bringing the community together.


Quotes attributable to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King:


“These crucial local projects demonstrate the Australian Government’s commitment to developing Australia’s regions and investing in projects that create jobs, build opportunity, and unlock economic growth and productivity.


“Improving and upgrading important roads will help residents get home sooner and safer, and will help freight move more efficiently.


“Under our Government, Australian communities, like the Hunter, will be empowered to secure the support needed to grow local economies, improve liveability and enhance productivity – so no community is left behind.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi:


“The Albanese Government has shown it is going to deliver for the Hunter.”


“These investments will make a real difference for locals. I fought hard for these projects - we promised them, and now we’re delivering them.


“We know how dangerous the New England Highway can be. By moving it from the centre of Muswellbrook it will improve liveability and will reduce the number and severity of accidents.”