05 October 2022



The Hon Michelle Rowland MP

Minister for Communications


Dan Repacholi MP

Federal Member for Hunter




The Albanese Government has delivered a lifeline to the Hunter Valley News and the Singleton Argus in the Hunter electorate, with the announcement of successful applications through the Regional and Local Newspaper Publishers Program.


A total of 208 applicants will receive a share of the $15 million program, which forms part of the Government’s $29 million local news and community broadcasting transition package.


This program delivers on Labor’s key election commitment to support eligible print publishers absorb newsprint price increases which threaten the sustainability of newspapers and journalism jobs throughout Australia.


Local newspapers are the backbone of so many communities right across Australia, helping keep locals informed and connected.


First Nations and multicultural media also play an important role in connecting communities, especially in the suburbs of our capital cities.


One hundred and thirty-three grants were awarded to eligible regional publishers from the $10 million available under Stream 1, and 78 eligible independent suburban, First Nations and multicultural publishers received a share of the $5 million under Stream 2. Three applicants will receive funding under both streams 1 and 2.


In accordance with the RLNP Program Guidelines, successful grantees are listed on the GrantConnect website within 21 days of the date of effect of their grant funding agreements. This was a demand-driven program, and the Department was the final decision-maker for grants.


For more information, including the list of successful applicants visit: www.infrastructure.gov.au/media-communications-arts/regional-and-local-newspaper-publishers-program  


Quotes attributable to the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP:


“Local news is critical to so many communities across Australia.


I’m proud to announce the recipients of the Regional and Local Newspaper Publishers Program to over 200 publishers right across our nation.


Quotes attributable to Dan Repacholi MP:


“The Albanese Government has hit the ground running by delivering on our commitment to support regional and local papers absorb rising print costs.


“Local papers like the Hunter Valley News and the Singleton Argus keep locals informed, entertained and connected. I’m so pleased to see this important funding out the door so quickly”.


“I’m proud to belong to a Federal Government that takes the sustainability of local papers and journalism jobs in the Hunter electorate so seriously”.